contact us at this numbers
(+39) 0925 86071 o al (+39) 320 4885485
or click in cALL ME di Skype  that you can find in every pages of the site.
or for any informations you can leave a mail  compiling  yours generality in this space

Some fields of the form are obligatory
Compiling him in all of his parts you will facilitate the operations to be contacted.

Name:   Last name:
Social reason: Address:
C.a.p.: City:
Province: Telephone:
Cellular: E-mail:
  You have to consent to the treatment of your personal data.

To completion of the card, in order to the finalities of treatment and harvest of the data contained ivi informs him that:
1.i same data are essays with computer systems
2.i data are destined to the dispatch of further information
3.i data can be communicated to connected organisms e/o preceded to the single functions of assistance and expert evidence pointed out to the preceding point.

I declare to freely have taken action that the required personal data will be used me to the purpose to receive more specific information on the proposed service. Action that is recognized me the right to know take, to cancel, to correct, to adjourn, to integrate, to oppose me to the treatment of my personal data as well as to practice the other rights recognized by the art.7s, 10, 13 of the law 675/96.

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